3D Motion Graphics
& Brand Designer

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Plastic Clothes Full Process

Role: Motion Graphic Designer
Tools: Cinema 4D, After Effects
Time: 17 Weeks, 2023

A campaign against the Fast Fashion industry.

How might I make an interactive website that tells the story of microfibers and educates fast fashion consumers about their impact on the environment?

The Solution:

Plastic Clothes is a reactive interface that informs the viewer of how plastic microfibers enter our oceans through a brief unique and interactive experience unlike other sites. 

Key Objectives:

Engaging and memorable

Concept Development

I developed a visual story that shows how plastic microfibers ultimately end up in our wastewater system, polluting the oceans. I wanted to grab the viewers attention with interactive elements that are unlike other online educational platforms. As the user goes further into the experience, the microfibers begin to fill the screen more, allluding to the pollution growth over time caused by fast fashion.

Custom Typography

I chose to use my own custom typeface that uses sewn threads to give the letters form. This thready, chaotic typeface perfectly communicates the unrestrained nature of the plastic microfibers in the interface. 

Final Design

Full Animation

Campaign Assets

Campaign assets such as posters and social media pages help amplify the Plastic Clothes messaging.

Partner brands can add the Plastic Clothes tag to their products in order to communicate their commitment to sustainability, and to offer easier identification of textiles that are plastic-free in their retail stores.

What’s Next?︎︎︎

View Knots, a motion graphic piece illustrating the feelings of anxiety.

Phoebe Huey

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