3D Motion Graphics
& Brand Designer

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Color of Emotions

3D Motion Graphics
A title piece for a movie about a powerful mood ring.
Tools: Cinema 4D, After Effects

A short introductory piece for a movie about a mood ring that is discovered to have magical and mysterious powers.


I began my process by sketching out some animation techniques I had in mind. I was going for a luxurious feel, but with a dark mysterious mood.


I created a storyboard once I understood what techniques
were the best solutions for my concept.

I chose a luxury aesthetic because it was a style I hadn’t done before and it was out of my comfort zone.

I did a variety of experiments to understand how to create the luxury feeling for the background elements. I landed on cloth simulations as my solution. This was a new technique for me, and it was a lot of fun to figure out!

I fell in love with the cloth simulation look, and that ultimately inspired my title reveal scene. I wanted to keep the cloth simulation as the texture and content of the scene, so I experimented with shadows to project the title on top of it. 
Post-production was an important part of this piece. I rendered out mask layers so I could really exaggerate the color of the ring in After Effects.

Project Takeaways

I am very happy with the results. I feel that the design and the motion is successful in creating the moody luxury feeling.

My aha moment came when I discovered how to see the velocity graph in Cinema 4D!

Phoebe Huey

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